
Geeky Math

The Basics of Arithmetic

The Basics of Arithmetic

Arithmetic is a fundamental branch of mathematics that deals with the basic operations of numbers. Arithmetic encompasses four fundamental operations:

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division

These operations form the basis of mathematical calculations and are used extensively in everyday life and various fields of study.


Arithmetic forms the building blocks for more advanced mathematical concepts and is an essential skill in everyday life, enabling us to solve problems, make informed decisions, and engage with various fields such as science, finance, and engineering.


History of Arithmetic

Arithmetic has its roots in prehistoric counting procedures, and it was used for everyday tasks by early civilizations such as the Sumerians and Egyptians. The Indo-Arabic numeral system revolutionized arithmetic by introducing efficient representation and zero as a placeholder.


Indian mathematicians established their principles during the Middle Ages, and Europe adopted them. During the Renaissance and modern eras, arithmetic became more accessible through publication and education. Over time, arithmetic progressed from simple counting to becoming an essential skill for higher math, science, and technology. It is still used in daily life, from commerce to personal banking, indicating its enduring value.



Arithmetic Operations

Arithmetic includes four primary operations which are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Let's explore each operation in detail:


1.        Addition:

Addition is the process of joining two or more numbers to find their total, which is frequently referred to as the sum. It is represented by the '+' symbol.  For example, combining 4 and 5 gives 9 (4 + 5 = 9). When adding higher numbers, begin at the digit on the right and work from there to the left, carrying over any extra when the total exceeds 9.


2.        Subtraction:

Subtraction is the process used to calculate the difference between two numbers. It is represented by the '-' symbol. To subtract, start with the rightmost digit and work your way to the left. When the digit in the bottom number is greater than the corresponding digit in the top number, borrowing may be necessary.


3.        Multiplication:

             Multiplication is the process of repeatedly adding a number to itself. It is represented by the '×' or '*' symbol.  For example, multiplying 4 by 3 yields 12 (4 × 3 = 12). Long multiplication is used to multiply larger integers by breaking them down into place values and then adding the products together.


4.        Division: 

            The process of dividing a number into equal parts is known as division. It is represented by the '÷' or '/' symbol.  When dividing, begin with the largest divisor multiple that fits into the dividend. Then subtract the multiple from the dividend and repeat with the remainder until you can no longer subtract without going negative.


Order of Operations

The order of operations is a set of rules that determine how arithmetic operations are performed in a mathematical equation. BODMAS/PEMDAS is an abbreviation that can help you remember the order.


BODMAS stands for;

B= Brackets

O= Order

D= Division

A= Addition

S= Subtraction


PEDMAS stands for;

P= Parentheses

E= Exponents

M= Multiplication

D= Division (from left to right)

A= Addition (from left to right)

S= Subtraction (from left to right).


Following this order ensures that calculations are carried out correctly.